like a mustard seed
of like a mustard seed farm

pastured chickens
Chief Egg Layers
Land Fertilizers
Pest Maintenance
Our chickens are a happy bunch of free-range birds, foraging wherever they like, and fed an organic, soy-free feed. They lay the most beautiful eggs around. Nouvegen Browns, Easter Eggers, Rustic Ramblers, and Rhode Island Reds give us a gorgeous variety of hues that make every dozen special.

Free-Range Ducks
Supporting Egg Layers
Land Fertilizers
Pest Maintenance
Our ducks bring personality and fun to the farm. We love watching them waddle around in a huddle and splashing around in puddles. We currently have Khaki Campbells, prolific egg layers, and Rouens. They provide gorgeous duck eggs, a great alternative to chicken eggs, especially for those with chicken egg allergies.
Khatadin Sheep
Lawn Maintenance
Future Orchard Fertilizers
Teachers of Spiritual Lessons
We have five sheep; Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Brando, and Little Love. Our sweet Brando has recently become an amputee.

Future Dairy Source
Future Beef Source
Land Fertilizers
Grace the cow and Frank the steer are our first cattle, each with a unique purpose. They add character and personality to our farm.